March 09, 2008

Politic is Madness!!

It was really intereting to read all the results from the election, I was awake til 4 haha just to read those results, discussing and talking to Laura and Merv. (about my module, just allow it temporary freedom from the intense stalker beam larh~~)

I'm glad that BN's denied 2/3 majority, let them know that we actually CARE and 'siram' their ego But still, Malaysia's not realy for new government yet.

And dont blame me for not worrying bout the results last night..because first of all, i cant vote yet, and i cant do anything to actually help can i? Thus worrying is really really unnecessary, improbable and improper for me.

Call me ignorant, because i really am. I dont know much bout politics and i dont really remember every single details about them. For me, politic is nasty.

Ok enough crap...i need to sleep...when i'm getting stressed, my eyes just cant open. I can either lie still or i am hyperactive but i can never sit still still and study....

Really cham...eos coming and i'm progressing like...slower than snails...and i cant seem to remember what i studied...T-T God, help me please!!

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