November 17, 2010

A brand new day :)

For what seems like a lifetime.... I'm BACK!

What a busy eventful shitty pressured PRP year, though i'm late, but at least i ended everything yesterday just 15 mins before 5 pm. YESH now i'm FLOATING.

Today, today it's a holiday! and i'm sleeping all my way til mid morning. Waking up with a shoulder pain but hell yeah i know that it wont be the same as the previous nights.

Hmm....23 years old. Confusing age. I know what comes next will be plenty of changes, plenty of decisions to make. Things will get better, even if what i about to choose will lead me into confusion, and lost me my direction. But yes, every option is a door to a brand new start.

Go away those bad feelings. Bless me :) and i'm glad to say

I'M BACK AFTER A YEAR OF whatseemslikeahell LIFE.


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